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Planning Board Minutes 10/06/2005

(603) 798-4350

OCTOBER 6, 2005

Present: Chairman Tracy Scott, Stan Brehm, Joanna McIntosh, Tom Jameson, Mike Stamowlaros, Mike Paveglio, Richard DeBold, Brad Towle, Peter Wade and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Scott introduced the Board and requested the Board Review the minutes of September 1, 2005, and asked for corrections.

The following changes were made:
        Page 2, Public Hearing, Zoning Subcommittee, third line down after reviewed end the sentence, begin the new sentence with The.   Page 3 Zoning – Wetlands – 3.a.i.: second line needs a space between the word “within” and the number “100” Change Map 3 to Map 7 on each of the Theresa Brown discussions. Page 4: Discussion Ted Sanborn, forth line down after Blackman Road end the sentence and begin new sentence with He.

There being no further changes a motion was made to accept the minutes with the changes outlined.

                Stamowlaros/Paveglio                            (Passed)


DESIGN REVIEW/  Canterbury Cove Development
PUBLIC HEARING: Subdivision – Epsom
        Possible Hillview Drive Connection      
        Epsom Map U6, Lots 9 & 9-1, Dover Road

Has been continued to November 3, 2005

DESIGN REVIEW:  Paul & Michelle Carter – Fox Property
        Site Review – Capitol Glass
        Map 3, Lot 14, Dover Road
Continued from September 1, 2005

Abutters present: Richard & Lisa Dawson

Mr. Carter presented the Board with plans for the new business. Mr. Carter explained to the Board that most of the work is done off site. The office will be run out of the small building for the time being and


the larger home will be a rental. No additional lighting or change to existing lighting will occur for this project. The Board reviewed the plan and requested the following items be addressed:

·       Setbacks
·       Septic Location
·       Well Radius
·       Signature Box for Planning Board
·       7 X 4 inch empty block top left of page for Registry use
·       Abutters, names and addresses listed with their lot numbers
·       Surveyor stamp
·       Owner of Record
·       Area of Paved Parking in front of building
·       State Driveway permit – multi use
·       Note that the Parking area will be paved by May 15th  2006
·       Entire lot on the plan
·       Wetlands Stamp

Design Review closed    

PUBLIC HEARING: Paul & Michelle Carter – Fox Property
        Site Review – Capitol Glass
        Map 3, Lot 14, Dover Road
Continued to November 3, 2005

DESIGN REVIEW:  Teresa Brown
        Map 7, Lot 35-3, Ferrin Road
Abutters present: Kathy Gagne

Earl Weir presented plans for the subdivision. The Board reviewed the plan and requested the following items be addressed:

·       Map & Lot # will be 7-35-3-1
·       Registry block top left of page 7 X 4 inches
·       Surveyors and wetlands stamps
·       Driveway for new lot
·       Notes to be fixed regarding wetlands
·       Abutters listed around the lot

Design Review closed.

        Map 7, Lot 35-3, Ferrin Road

Abutters present: Kathy Gagne

With no further discussion.


Motion was made to accept the subdivision with the changes addressed in the Design Review.

        Paveglio/ Towle         (Passed)

DESIGN REVIEW:  Klia Ververidis/Elias Pizza
        New Business - Auto Dealer Office
        In need of 2 parking spaces for business
        Map 4, Lot 159, Dover Road
No abutters present.

The State Division of Motor Vehicles requires that any Auto Dealer must have at least 2 parking spaces for the business.

The Board was in agreement that the property has ample parking for this to not pose an issue.

Design Review closed.

PUBLIC HEARING: Klia Ververidis/Elias Pizza
        New Business - Auto Dealer Office
        In need of 2 parking spaces for business
        Map 4, Lot 159, Dover Road
No abutters present.

Motion was made to allow 2 parking spaces on the property for the use by the Auto Dealer Office for vehicles other than employee parking spaces.

        Jameson/McIntosh                (Passed)

DESIGN REVIEW:  Jeanne & Jim Viall – Marc Chronis Property
        Site Review – Rental Business – Multi Use
        Map 4, Lot 155B, Dover & Cross Roads
No abutters present.

Mr. Viall presented plans to the Board. After review the Board was in agreement that the Viall’s have met the required requested items but still are in need of the following:

·       7 X 4 inch block upper left hand corner Merrimack County requirement
·       Surveyor stamp
·       Abutters listed on plan

Design Review closed.


PUBLIC HEARING: Jeanne & Jim Viall – Marc Chronis Property
        Site Review – Rental Business – Multi Use
        Map 4, Lot 155B, Dover & Cross Roads
No abutters present.

There being no further discussion.

Motion was made to accept the Site Review with the items addressed in the Design Review.

        DeBold/Stamowlaros              (Passed)

        Changes to zoning and Site Review &
        Subdivision Regulations.
        Wetlands & Lighting

The Board was in agreement that these items need to be moved forward to December 2005 meeting to fall within the state RSA for posting reasons.

DISCUSSION:     Mark Drew
        Map 1, Lot 4, Lovers Lane

Matt Monahan presented plans to the Board for this 2 lot subdivision. The Board was concerned that the soils listed are in the rural agricultural zone which requires 300 foot frontage and 5 acres. With the current soil types listed on the plan the new lot would not only be short on frontage it would also lack acreage and the original lot would be short on frontage.

The Board was in agreement that it could not create substandard lots and the developer would need to prove the soils wrong by way of a soil survey. Wetlands delineation needs to be shown on both lots.

The County block needs to be enclosed. Abutters need to be listed around the entire lot.

Mr. Monahan also stated that Note # 7 will be removed and #8 will become #7.

Design Review/Public Hearing will be set for November 3, 2005.

DISCUSSION:     Meyer’s RV
        Site Review – Building Addition
        Map 3, Lot 10, Dover Road

Eaton Tarbell presented the Board with plans for this proposal. The addition will be approximately 5000 square feet to add showroom space. There are some storm drains that need to be relocated along with septic service.


The developer understands that they need to adhere to current zoning with new lighting and wetlands ordinances.

They will be requesting a waiver for the size of the building.

Design Review/Public Hearing set for November 3, 2005

DISCUSSION:     Barlow Homes
        Subdivision and Revisions
        Map 1, Lot 5, Short Falls Road

Leo Dumont presented plans to the Board for the new subdivision with revisions to the prior subdivision. The new road will be about 1300 feet in length with a cul-de-sac. A cistern of at least 30,000 gallons must be self filling with either a well or by brook. There will be 4 new lots in this project.

The Board was in agreement that the project needs to go back to the Town Engineer.

They will call when ready to move forward.

DISCUSSION:     Planning Budget

Raising planning fees to offset cost of Circuit Ryder

The budget was reviewed and approved. Motion to accept, McIntosh seconded by Stamowlaros.

Need to get numbers of houses currently to CNHRPC for number of building permits for 2006.

We need a CIP Committee, Tracy will chair the committee, both Mikes will do their best to sit on the committee as well as Joanna.

The Board discussed office hours for the public during the week and possibly the Circuit Ryder could also cover part of that time.

Motion was made to adjourn.

        Paveglio/McIntosh               (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 11:30pm

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Tracy Scott